Sunday, October 7, 2012

Free Stories

A friend of mine recently told me, "Just do it."

I was going around in circles (no pun intended) working on my novel Circles in Time. I had a hundred reasons why I couldn't do anything with it. Truth is, I got positive comments from editors and agents, but nobody jumped on it. So my friend, who started a publishing company initially to publish his own book and now has published 15 or more of other authors', told me, "Just do it."

So I did. I made a book trailer for a short story prequel to the novel--that was easy. It took me two weeks to figure out how to make a clickable Table of Contents. I finally found a website that tells you how in easy steps. For you writers the URL is:

Circles in Time is available at Amazon, both print and Kindle and at for Nook only.

Best of all? I figured how to get Amazon to let me sell my short stories for free. They will be free as soon as someone notifies them. I put them on Amazon for $.99, then give them away on my blog, then have someone tell Amazon they're available for free. Voila! Amazon matches the price. Not my own idea. I read it on somebody's site.

I also have a children's picture book on Amazon: Hubert Little's Great Adventure. I gave it away for five days. It had over 200 downloads! How gratifying.

Hopefully, people will be interested enough to get "The Circle is Forged" for free on Kindle (mobi), Nook (ePUB) or as a PDF file.

Click on image top right to watch the trailer on YouTube.

Keep reading to get FREE STORIES!

Circles in Time

A Fantasy

When a magic potion goes wrong....

In 10th Century Ireland Siobhan, a half-Faerie woman, shunned by the fey and humans alike, succumbs to the machinations of an unscrupulous druid. She unleashes a forbidden spell that causes suffering to a thousand years of her descendants.

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